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Our Mission

When Mia first passed away we wanted to change the world… we simply couldn’t believe that there was this infection ‘Group B Something’ (was there an A’ Strep? a C’ Strep? ‘What else was in this Group?’…. that was hardly ever tested for and despite being on the face of it so common and potentially so dangerous.  Like most that hear about Group B Strep it first seemed that it was all down to cost and government budgets and it all seemed so unbelievably complicated.

As time moved on it became obvious that despite the huge efforts of many we are someway off from routine testing using the more accurate method, the Enriched Culture Method (ECM) as being standard in the UK and it has become of paramount importance to raise awareness of the infection and allow pregnant couples the choice of paying privately for the test.

We realised that awareness and prevention strategies was for now the only realistic approach with the aim to ensure that as many pregnant couples are made aware of the dangers of Group B Strep and what can be done to counteract a positive test result.

Therefore our goals through this blog are as follows:

  1. To campaign for a consistent approach to the antenatal education policy for GBS carriage throughout the UK
  2. To put the decision to test for Group B Strep carriage in the hands of the pregnant couple
  3. To keep the topic of Group B Strep in the local media
  4. To provide opportunities to raise money for Group B Strep Support
  5. To tell 'Mia's Story'


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